
Stop the Hate

A while back I was invited to speak at the Oyster River diversity panel as a non-visible minority. I am Muslim but unlike my Indonesian friend, Murni** who is an immigrant, non-white, and chooses to cover her hair with a headscarf- I blend into my Durham, NH community. At first, I thought it makes more sense for Murni to speak on this panel, since after all it is a “diversity panel” and I do not look the part.


你永远都无法叫醒一个装睡的人. (You can never wake up a Person Who Pretends to Sleep)… but the rest of us can be woke!*

This blog was inspired by my need to write something in response to the recent shooting in Atlanta, just one example of a violent string of 3,800 hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders documented by Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center this past year. One of the saddest things about this event to me was our Chinese teacher, Na Lin’s, reaction. She told me a week after the event that the “Atlanta shooting was not surprising” to her.