
The Best French Food

I feel like a little re-introduction might be good, so here goes. My name is Shannon and I am a 25 year old American currently living in France. I live in Dijon, a town in the Côte d’or region of Bourgogne (Burgundy). It’s a region known for its beautiful architecture (the Bourguignonne dukes were once richer than the king of France and that shows in some of the old architecture), its wonderful wine (pinot noir is from this region), its delicious cheese, and of course, mustard!


New Language Learning Adventure

I am writing to you a little late this month because I have had a hectic start to the New Year. I am taking my language learning even further this year by attending a school in France to study naturopathic medicine. Let me tell you, studying science in a foreign language is not easy. I’m only a few days into the course and I know that this course is not only going to fill me with knowledge about naturopathy, it is also going to greatly improve my French skills.


What do you think about Formal vs Informal Pronouns?

This month, I want to ask you to think about a question: how do you feel about formal “you” pronouns? I think about this quite often when I compare English with many other languages which have formal and informal “you’s” and singular and plural “you’s”. For us English speakers, this can feel a bit tricky to navigate because we use the same word anytime we are referring to someone in the second person, “you”. The only time we differ is when we refer to something someone owns, aka the possessive case, where we use “your/s”.